SHARE North - SHARE-North 2 : Shared Mobility Solutions for a Liveable and Low-Carbon North Sea Region
Participants du LVMT :
- Responsables scientifiques :
Alain L'Hostis
- Equipe :
Maxime Hachette
- Heythem ADJEROUD
Axes de recherche du LVMT :
Axe 3 « Aménagement urbain et territoires »
Début : 01/2023
- Fin : 12/2026
Financement sur appel à projet

- European Union Interreg North Sea Region
Le projet
The growth of shared mobility modes such as carsharing, bike sharing, shared micromobility (e.g. e-scooters/mopeds) has been significant in the past years. These modes have the potential to reduce transport problems, negative impacts on the environment and address matters of social cohesion. Research shows that citizens are most likely to change their travel behaviour when a major change occurs in their life: a new job, starting a family or moving house. Cities and promoters of sustainable travel behaviour can use these critical periods in residents’ lives to increase the uptake
of shared mobility.
The potential for shared mobility to contribute to sustainability goals, however, goes beyond influencing transport emissions and travel behaviour :
Parking standards for new housing and business developments are still predominantly car-centric in most cities and do not support sustainable development and spatial efficiency.
There is a need for wide-scale reform. Progressive policies that allow developers to reduce the number of required parking spaces by integrating shared mobility and other mobility management measures can contribute to creating equitable cities of the future and free up space for other purposes – such as climate adaptation measures or places for people to meet and play.
That’s why the SHARE-North Squared project will focus on the integration of shared mobility modes into urban real-estate developments.
Our project aims at bridging the gap between the mobility and housing sectors in cities across the North Sea Area.
Activities will include practical, longterm implementations in living labs (literally!), the development of business cases for “Living as a Service” and the creation of comprehensive (communication) strategies and experience-/research-based legal frameworks for such innovative approaches.
Major goal is to reduce private car dependency and use, spatial consumption through parking, emissions and to strengthen sustainable, multimodal travel behaviour.
Objectifs scientifiques:
The challenges of making transport in the North Sea Region more sustainable cannot be met by technical solutions alone – behavioural changes are also required. Shared mobility modes and their potential to address these challenges are the focus of the SHARE-North 2 project.
SHARE-North Squared project will focus on the integration of shared mobility modes into urban real-estate developments.
Our project aims at bridging the gap between the mobility and housing sectors in cities across the North Sea Area.
Retrouver l’appel à projet Interreg NORTH SEA REGION