Laetitia DABLANC
Directrice de recherche, HDR
Université Gustave Eiffel - Univ. Eiffel
Axes de recherche du LVMT :
Axe 2 « Stratégies d’acteurs et action publique »
01 81 66 88 86
Biographie, parcours
Laetitia Dablanc, an urban planner, is Professor at the University Gustave Eiffel in Paris where she heads the Logistics City Chair. She leads the Young Initiative of the World Conference of Transport Research Society and is a member of MetroFreight, an international network of research on urban freight. Her areas of research are freight transportation, freight and the environment, urban freight and logistics, freight policies, spatial issues related to logistics. She received a PhD in transportation planning from Ecole des Ponts-ParisTech, and a Master’s degree in city and regional planning from Cornell University. She was initially trained in policy analysis and economics at Science Po Paris. Dr. Dablanc has authored or co-authored numerous publications on freight transportation. She participates regularly in scientific, institutional and business meetings as well as in the media on freight transportation and logistics. She is a member of ARPE’s stakeholders Council in France.
Publications and news: visit Linkedin
Dablanc, L., Adoue, F. (2024) Logistique urbaine : de « nouvelles données » pour observer les flux, ce que les villes européennes nous apprennent. Transports, Infrastructures & Mobilités, 542.
Dablanc, L. (2023) Policy and planning for urban logistics. Chapter 18 in The Routledge Handbook of Urban Logistics, Ed. Monios, J., Budd, L., Ison, S., Routledge.
Kin, B., Buldeo Rai, H., Dablanc, L. & Quak, H. (2023). Integrating logistics into urban planning: best practices from Paris and Rotterdam. In: European Planning Studies.
Jurburg, D., Lopez, A., Carli, I., Chong, M., De Oliveira, LK, Dablanc, L., Tanco, M., De Souza, PR (2023) Understanding the Challenges Facing Decarbonization in the E-Commerce Logistics Sector in Latin America. Sustainability, 15, 15718.
Buldeo Rai, H., Mariquivoi, J., Schorung, M., Dablanc, L. (2023) Dark stores in the City of Light: Geographical and transportation impacts of ‘quick commerce’ in Paris. Research in Transportation Economics, 100, 101333.
Dablanc, L., Schorung, M., de Oliveira, R., Palacios-Argüello, L., de Oliveira, L., Yaghi, P. (2023) Locational patterns of warehouses in 78 cities around the world, a comparative meta-analysis. Report for Logistics City Chair, University Gustave Eiffel. Available from:
Dablanc, L. (2023) La logistique, un mal pensé de la transition énergétique en Île-de-France. Chapitre 8 in Gallez, C., Coutard, O. (Dir) Vers une Ile-de-France post-carbone ? Freins et leviers d’une transition énergétique régionale. Paris, L’œil d’or.
Dablanc, L. (2023) Land use planning for a more sustainable urban freight. Chapter 3.1 in Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight. Guest Editors: Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta, Michela Le Pira, Edward Elgar.
Dablanc, L., Heitz, A., Buldeo Rai, H. & Diziain, D. (2022) Differentiated responses to COVID-19: an analysis from three surveys in France, and policy implications, Transport Policy, 122, 85-94.
Dablanc, L. (in press) Land use planning for a more sustainable urban freight. Chapter 3.1 in Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight. Guest Editors: Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta, Michela Le Pira, Edward Elgar. To be published June 2023.
Buldeo Rai, H., Dablanc, L. (2022) Hunting for treasure: A systematic literature review on urban logistics and e-commerce data. Transport Reviews. DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2022.2082580
Buldeo Rai, H., Kang, S., Sakai, T., Tejada, C., Conway, A., Dablanc, L. (2022) ‘Proximity logistics’: characterizing the development of logistics facilities in dense, mixed-use urban areas around the world. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 166, 41-61.
Aguiléra, A., Dablanc, L., Krier, C., Louvet, N. (2022) Platform-based food delivery in Paris before and during the pandemic: Profile, motivations and mobility patterns of couriers. European Transport Research Review, 14(45).
Krier, C., Dablanc, L., Aguiléra, A., Louvet, N. (2022) Sharing within the gig economy: the use of shared e-bikes by on-demand platform-based instant meal delivery workers in Paris. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(4).
De Oliveira, R., Dablanc, L., Schorung, M. (2022) Changes in warehouse spatial patterns and rental prices: are they related? Exploring the case of US metropolitan areas. Journal of Transport Geography, 104.
Dablanc, L. (2022) Urban logistics and COVID-19. Chapter 10 in Zhang, J. and Hayashi, Y. (Eds) Transportation amid pandemics, Elsevier, pp 131-143.
Aguiléra, A., Dablanc, L., Rallet, A. (2022) Digital work and urban delivery: Profile, activity and mobility practices of on-demand food delivery couriers in Paris (France). Information, 13.
Dablanc, L. (2022) Répercussion des mutations du secteur logistique sur les conditions de travail des livreurs. Hygiène et sécurité du travail, n° 267, Revue technique de l’INRS, pp. 29-33, avril-juin.
Dablanc, L. (2022) La logistique et la ville, questions environnementales et territoriales de la logistique urbaine. L’Information Géographique, 3, 49-77, Armand Colin
Dablanc, L., Proulhac, L., Raimbault, N. (2022) Enquête sur les travailleurs nantais des plateformes de livraison instantanée. Rapport d’enquête pour le PUCA/SUBWORK et la chaire Logistics City.
Dablanc, L., Aguiléra A., Krier C., Cognez A., Chrétien J., Louvet N. (2022) Etude sur les livreurs des plateformes à Paris et en petite couronne. Rapport d’enquête chaire Logistics City et 6T bureau de recherche.